Museum Digitization Center
We help museums digitize collections and automate processes according to international standards to make Ukrainian heritage accessible to Ukrainians and the world through digitization
Photo: Zoriana Pohranychna
The Center has launched thanks to the project Crisis Inventory and Leap to Digitalization of Museum Registers, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Tustan NGO in cooperation with the Public Institution of the Lviv Regional Council “Administration of the Tustan State Historical and Cultural Reserve”, the Center for Museum Development NGO, and НеМо: Ukrainian Heritage Monitoring Lab.
НеМо: Ukrainian Heritage Monitoring Lab is a professional initiative that aims to provide data on Ukrainian heritage so that it can be included in the lives of Ukrainians and play a role in regaining our identity.
Digitization is always about ‘image’ + metadata
Incense altar - Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium - CC BY-NC-SA.
We know how to do this in the Ukrainian reality according to international standards:
and will help you at all stages of the digitization process
Planning for digitization
What purpose?
For whom?
Quality management at all stages
Works before digitization
Setting priorities
Preparing metadata and collections
Planning the "production line"
Creating an "image"
2D: taking photos, scanning,…
3D: photogrammetry, 3D scanning,…..
Works after digitization
Linking a digital copy to the metadata
Information storage and management
Access to the data
of museum objects
a museum has a digitized collection(‘image’ + metadata)
Digitalization of processes, implementation of the museum records-keeping program
providing tools and teaching you how to use them for data storage and management
providing you with technical support during the entire digitization process
we offer comprehensive solutions for every stage of digitization, data interoperability, and expertise.
we are experienced in working with various collections (archaeology, ethnography, painting, sculpture, graphic records, natural specimens, films...) and objects of various sizes, both volumetric and flat.
Vasyl Rozhko
PhD in Architecture, Master of Business Administration, manager of the project, founder of НеМо, museum worker, head of the Tustan NGO
Vladyslav Pioro
specialist in the development and implementation of digital solutions in the field of cultural heritage, chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Center for Museum Development NGO
Nataliia Dziubenko
PhD. in Biology, museum worker, digitization coordinator, cooperation with museums, head of the Department of Applied Museology at the National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Nataliia Rak
PhD. in Economics, coordinator of the professional knowledge base
Valentyna Yefimova
museum worker, analyst, the Ukrainian Center for Museum Development NGO
Andrii Yamelynets
digitization coordinator (software, 3D, scanning), director of the Institute of Geoinformation Systems LLC
Yurii Honek
software engineer, Institute of Geoinformation Systems LLC
Vitalii Hrabar
photography coordinator
Matvii Pohranychnyi
Zoriana Pohranychna
photographer, Drohobychchyna Museum
Andrii Zatushevskyi
museums where we are digitizing selected collections and implementing and testing the museum records-keeping program as part of the pilot project.
National Museum of Natural History at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Historical collection of stuffed birds and old inventory books
"We had a complete understanding with the HeMo digitization team, their professional qualifications were very high."
Andrii Bokotei
Dr. Sci. Biol., curator of the vertebrates collection of the National Museum of Natural History at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Tustan State
Historical and Cultural Reserve
Archaeology, Ethnography
The digitization started with the items of the main collection: 4,521 depository items, of which: 3,812 depository items of the Archaeology group, and 709 depository items of the Ethnography group.
Natalia Kerch
chief custodian of the TTustan State Historical and Cultural Reserve funds
Kharkiv Literary Museum
Books, convolutes,
Manuscripts, photos
Large format: newspapers, posters
Manuscripts, photos
Large format: newspapers, posters
“For us, the accessibility of the collection for researchers is essential”
Maryna Hrachova
head of the digital accounting department
Odesa National Fine Arts Museum
painting, graphics
The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Arts
painting, graphics, sculpture